Realty Access help save victims investment

An insider leak that Realty Access is helping victims of fraudulent direct sales companies to get there invest back seem to be on the straight and narrow. While not all losses qualify for assistance, we were reliably informed they  can help other people that have been mis-sold Wine and Diamonds, so this is great news for Asian people that have made a bad investments.

The Company with offices globally have both real estate opportunities in property in Germany, Spain, USA, Thailand, India and other countries. This is a managed fund and regulated by Title trustees. Title Trustee’s is part of a larger independent financial advisory group that scores a perfect “100” on the Delfy Rating risk assessment registry.

The company insider told of ROI of 8% per year, She also told of investers cashing out there investment in as little as 7 years with higher than predicted gains.

We have asked Realty Access to comment on this officially but we have yet to receive an official statement. Watch this space.

Realty Access Website


One comment

    Realty Access would like to make a formal correction on the blog mentioned herein. Realty Access is NOT in an official capacity to offer financial assistance to victims of direct sales fraud. However, out of good will, we have allowed a select number of local agents to use our human resources to access ITRA free of charge.. The famous world wide fraud litigation group.
    We hope this serves to clarify the situation.

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