KUALA LUMPUR, — The number of flood evacuees in Perak rose drastically, while flood situation in Kedah showed improvement as 615 people remained in relief centres in both states as of this evening.
In Perak, evacuees rose to 537 people from 152 families compared to 152 people from 54 families at noon, with four centres opening, bringing the number of centres to 10 currently.
A total of 382 people in 109 families are currently at Dewan Orang Ramai Batu Hampar, Trong, Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Matang Gelugor, Dewan Orang Ramai Sungai Baru Trong, Dewan Orang Ramai Jebong Kiri, Masjid Al-Wusta Batu 8 and SK Temerlok in Taiping district, 110 people from 32 familes are at SK Temong, Dewan Orang Ramai Kampung Talang Masjid and SK Periang in Kuala Kangsa district, while 45 people from 11 families are at Dewan Serbaguna Padang Tembak in Hilir Perak district.
In Kedah, the number of evacuees dropped to 78 people from 17 families compared to 98 people from 26 families at noon today, with one relief centre, Masjid Sungai Batu in Bandar Baharu district closing at 7pm.